Friday, November 19, 2010

HGH Side Effects

Human Hormone Growth
The HGH (human growth hormone) is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland that helps our body do different tasks and grow. In some cases, with age, the body produces less HGH and thus the need to supplement it with biosynthetic growth hormone arises. Scientists have come up with an exact replicate of HGH. Nowadays, you can have HGH injections and stimulate your body to grow. You can easily find out the benefits of HGH and buy human growth hormone, but the question is, what are the side effects of HGH?

To understand what HGH side effects are, you must understand the HGH injections’ properties before you buy HGH online or otherwise. HGH injections are very powerful and can cause side effects if administered incorrectly and taken without the advice of a licensed physician. The HGH side effects can cause the pituitary gland to become lazy and thus the natural production of HGH by pituitary gland will stop. So before you buy HGH, be careful and consider the side effects of human growth hormone.

Some of the side effects of HGH are mentioned below:
• Acrogemaly: The worst side effect of HGH. Commonly known as gigantism, this side-effect can cause the bone mass in the body to grow unnaturally and the skin to thicken. This happens to people who have pituitary tumor that releases uncontrollable growth hormones. Get a blood test done to monitor the result of HGH injection in the blood stream.
Edema: Another human growth hormone side effect includes water retention. Though not a very serious side effect, it might lead the body to gain unnecessary water weight. Take HGH injections in small dosage and when the body gets accustomed to it, this side effect will disappear.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: When you take a lot of HGH injections, a few months later you will find a pain in the wrist because of growth of small bones inside that rub against each other. Lessening the dosage and properly administering HGH intake can help prevent this syndrome.
Other Side Effects: other side effects of HGH include impaired glucose tolerance, overt diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, stiff muscles and joints, painful joints, gynecomastia (enlarged breasts in males), liver damage, onset of diabetes, numbness in the hands, fatigue, nightmares, high blood pressure etc.
Though HGH injections can do wonders, it still has many side effects. Thus, you are advised to take every precaution before you buy human growth hormone online or otherwise. Take care of your health.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

HgH Supplements

Regardless of whether you are athlete looking for improving your performance or you are attempting to find out a way to look younger, HGH supplement is safe and efficient way of accomplishing your objectives. A number of people have taken the benefit of hgh supplementation by taking high recombinant in hgh injections form. This is maybe not the safe way of increasing high levels because of several side effects. Organic HGH enhancers easily increase the organic HGH production of HGH by arousing pituitary glands in the brain.

With the huge fame of HGH supplements, flood gates have also been opened to the companies attempting to make a fast buck off unsuspecting consumers. Hgh’s proven performance enhancing age defying power as well as ability, users are reporting in increase in fast recovery, best sexual vitality, increase in energy and lessened wrinkles. You can buy HGH supplements online with ease.  
Secratatropin HGH features 10 HGH boosting components, which raises the HGH production of body as well as offer other health advantages. HGH enhancing all organic components GABA, L-Isoleuncine, L-Valine, L-Lysine and Dopa Bean Extract unite for an influential as well as safe hgh supplement. Secratatropin HGH is 100% lawful, efficient and comes without risk. Lifessence hgh+ is another great consumer-rated growth supplement that is available. It is particularly designed for combating the symbols of aging. It is an organic hgh boosting supplement formulated for increasing sexual vitality, calcium retention and strength. It is perfect in its capabilities for improving life. It is the only supplement. It includes mood enhancers, energy boosters and antioxidants. UltraMax high unites all organic HGH supplementation with a perfect effervescent powder for the speedily delivering the powerful nutrients into the system for the many advantages.

GHR 15 is another best HGH booster on the market. It is a natural formula, which clearly state that it does not include growth hormone. This all natural HGH supplement aids in creating an increased natural HGH production. GHR 15 also aids users to look younger. Several people report that after taking GHR 15, they observed changes in the overall health. Several have also reported a raised energy level. People loved 100% natural formula however, they have also enjoyed effects connected with restoring sexual vitality also more. This HGH supplement also features Amino Acid Blend, Soy Phosphatidesm, phosphatidyl, and phosphatidyl, Phosphatidylinositol, Phosphatidyl Serine, Phosphatidyl Serine and Beta Sitosterol. With its reasonable price, GHR 15 is economical solution for people seeking a best HGH supplement.